To Build or Renovate in Vancouver

To Build or Renovate

Deciding between building a new home from the ground up or renovating an existing home is a decision that should be well thought out. There are many factors to consider such as time, budget, location, design and convenience. Since both options require an investment of money and time, weighing your options carefully is essential.  The team at EA Renovations provides valuable insight and tips below. 

Good Bones and Structurally Sound

One thing to look at when considering a whole home renovation is whether or not the “bones” of the house are solid.  If the existing house is not structurally sound and structural repairs are required this can be labour intensive and quite time-consuming.  During a whole home renovation, it is also not uncommon to come across additional problems such as water damage, plumbing issues or wiring hazards. Mould and asbestos are also two very expensive problems that come across when renovating old homes. These types of repairs and fixes can not only set you back financially but can also add additional time to the renovation schedule. 

If your Vancouver builder and contractor have determined that your house is sound then a renovation could be the better option. Doing a whole home renovation can be as rewarding as building a new home and will cut down your environmental footprint.  Just as planning a custom-built home you will be able to select countertops, fixtures, wall colours, flooring and even the layout if you are removing walls, moving rooms or adding additional rooms.  If it has been determined that your structure is not sound then planning to build a custom home might be a better option. 

Building a new home is a big process and commitment but allows you to start from a clean slate and give you exactly what you want in terms of design, layout and quality.  Your new house will also be easier to maintain, energy-efficient as well as covered by a warranty.  

Interruption to Home Life 

Taking into account your schedule and daily home life is a factor that should be considered as well.  Going through a whole home renovation while living there is something that will not be convenient for the home life and family.  If you have children, taking care of them while the renovations are going on can take a toll on you and your family physically, financially and emotionally. Many people find it beneficial to move out and live elsewhere temporarily while the renovations are undergoing. These additional expenses can add up. 

Love Your Location?

Location can be an important determining factor as to whether you renovate or build a new home.  If you love your current house location and the lot size will accommodate your plans for your new house then it would be ideal to tear down and build a custom home.  If it does not then a whole home renovation would be a better alternative.  If you love your current house location, your neighbours, local schools and amenities it makes sense to stay where you are.  

Consideration for Heritage Homes

If your house is a heritage home and you are drawn to its uniqueness, character, history and old-world charm, renovating is a better option. Renovating allows you to retain the charming details of the house like woodwork, windows and flooring. 

If your house isn’t of a heritage age and is lacking in key characteristics and charm, rebuilding would seem like the most plausible option. It will give you a chance to work on a new layout and include the elements and design aesthetic that you are looking for. It is also better to rebuild if the current layout of your house isn’t working for your current needs.  If you need to knock down several walls and you have a need for more rooms, rebuilding is the best way to go.

Find a Construction, Contractor and Renovation Expert in Vancouver

Undertaking a whole home renovation or custom-built home is a large undertaking and there is plenty to think about before deciding the option that would best suit you.  We also highly advise that unless you are a Vancouver builder or contractor, the planning, project managing, building and coordinating be left to a professional.

Whether you decide to build or renovate, it has to be a journey that will lead you to your end goal: your dream home. If you have questions about whether building or renovating is the best possible way of achieving your dream home that is within your means and budget, Mark and Nino from EA Renovations would be happy to answer them. 


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